FIVE main reasons to consider Online Business Valuation
QUICKLY Differentiate Yourself
There are several reasons why providing a free valuation will help you generate more and better leads and build new business, faster.
Offer a new valuable service
- Open the door to working with business owners by offering them a service that most advisors don’t offer or understand.
Provide FREE value & performance report
- Expand your service offerings by helping SMB Owners understand the value and performance of their business.
Be a trusted advisor
- Become business owners’ most trusted advisor by acting as the “quarterback” of the total planning team.
Develop long-term relationships
- Develop client relationships that are “sticky” by not only improving Owners’ businesses but also their quality of life and stress levels.
Provide holistic planning
- Help Business Owners with holistic planning by incorporating the value of their business into a coordinated personal and business financial program.

A PROVEN Lead Machine
Helps You Build New Business Faster. There are several reasons why providing a free valuation will help you generate more and better leads.
Instant Door Opener
- Gives you a door opener when you can offer a FREE ballpark business valuation (including a “Business Performance Score”)—allowing you to attract new clients.
Identify higher-net worth individuals
- Targeting business owners means you typically find individuals with higher income and assets.
Provide better financial planning
- For many business owners, their business is their greatest asset. Knowing what their business is worth makes it easier to assess the owner’s overall financial needs.
Improve your reputation as a “trusted advisor”
- You can estimate the current value of your client’s business much more accurately with a valuation (rather than simply taking the owner’s estimate at face value), so your ballpark valuation is much closer to reality. This is key to helping a client avoid a significant asset gap when they’re ready to retire (since many owners massively over-estimate their business value).
Close more business
- Not only does a FREE valuation help attract clients, it also helps prove your value as an advisor…increasing credibility, while showing shortfalls that may exist in their current financial plan (including being under-insured) which can help you close more business.

Complete Marketing kit
Includes a complete marketing kit designed by one of the nation’s top marketing firms. Contains proven lead generation approaches—helpful for all areas of your practice. Including:
Personalized Report
- The option to personalize your client’s valuation reports with your logo.
A promotional video explaining the value of a ballpark valuation
- It’s easy to send a video link to prospects to help generate a lead, or use this in one-on-one meetings. With the option to create a personalized video also available.
The complete Marketing Kit also includes:
- Product Slick
- Testimonials
- Promotional Pick List
- Email Templates
- Phone Scripts
- Competitive Matrix
- Sales Manual
- Client PowerPoint
- SEO Template
- Website SEO PowerPoint
- Sample Landing Page
- Case Studies
- Videos

BEST Ballpark Valuation
If you are going to provide a ballpark valuation—it should be easy, fast and provide a reasonable estimate of value—plus include a “Business Performance Score.” ValuSource invented the approach that combines actual business sales with other market-based factors to estimate a company’s value and business performance.
Provides Value & “Business Performance Score.” Value is important, but there is a more compelling reason for every business owner (whether they’re contemplating selling soon or not) to get this new type of business valuation—because it calculates a “Business Performance Score.” This score is determined by comparing their business to others that have sold in their industry with similar revenue and cash flow. If their business is in the healthy range–they’re fine. If not, they know there is a problem that needs to be addressed.
Uses and SHOWS Actual Business Sales
- Shows actual business sales in your client’s industry and provides a valuation grounded in real business sales data.
Requires Minimal Sensitive Data
It does not require detailed financials or other sensitive data that your client may want to keep secure. Plus, you don’t have to spend time compiling everything.
Uses Eight (8) Market Methods
- Uses and transparently shows all market-based methods including Basic Method, Asset Value, Capitalization, Critical Factor, Debt Capacity, Industry Method, Comparable Transactions, and Weighted Factors—ensuring the most complete market-based ballpark value of your client’s business.
- The Online Business Valuation report provides the most transparent data, analysis, theories, and approach used to prepare your valuation —helping you feel more confident in the final results.
Quick and Easy to Use & Understand
- Includes guided questions, produces easy-to-understand results and is designed for non-valuation professionals making it easy to explain.

Cost Effective Lead System
Pays for itself with a single client
Enhance existing promotions
- Whether a direct mail, email or event campaign—it will be much easier to get business owners to respond with a unique and valuable FREE offer.
Unlimited Reports
- Because you have an unlimited number of reports, your cost per report is very low and you can create marketing campaigns that are much broader and generate substantially more leads.
Marketing Support
- Providing a free valuation only works if you can successfully market it—and we’ve got your back on marketing support! We provide the expertise and collateral (emails, case studies, eBooks, videos, flyers, etc.) to get you started successfully marketing your free valuation service.